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 Welcome to the maitri web site

You have found your way to the site that celebrates personal adventures at sea aboard maitri (“my-tree”)--a fast, cruising sailboat hailing from O'ahu's Kane'ohe Bay. This elegant 65-foot sloop*, with her sleek blue hull, is named after the Buddhist practice of extending unconditional friendship, acceptance, and loving-kindness to oneself and to others. maitri has proved herself a powerful vessel of this gentle spirit.

Sailing on maitri is an active working partnership with the wind, the sea, and the sun. It offers us the crests and troughs of intense experience and instructs us on our strengths and limitations. It calls upon our serenity, our courage, our wisdom, our compassion. It confers upon us a deeper intimacy with the forces that energize and unify us all. It takes us out of ourselves and more deeply into the universe. And it's way, way fun!

So we’re hooked! We love to sail, and we love the places and spaces where maitri takes us... in an afternoon or in a season. With this site, we hope to offer you -our extended family of friends— an invitation and a way to visit and re-visit us aboard maitri, wherever we go.

*maitri is J/65 Hull Number 1, designed by JBoats in Newport, RI, for fast, comfortable sailing in the challenging waters of the tropical Pacific. Built by Pearson Composites and commissioned in late 2005, maitri is successor to the owner's 52-foot JBoat of the same name, which logged thousands of miles offshore from the Hawaiian islands, California, and Mexico.

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maitri © 2006